There are lot of phobias a person might be suffering from. Let’s know what they are known by name.
No. | Fears | Phobia Name |
1 | Fear of heights | Acrophobia |
2 | Fear of being in a public place | Agoraphobia |
3 | Fear of cats | Ailurophobia |
4 | Fear of men | Androphobia |
5 | Fear of human companionship | Anthropophobia |
6 | Fear of spiders | Arachnophobia |
7 | Fear of deep places | Bathophobia |
8 | Fear of enclosed spaces | Claustrophobia |
9 | Fear of dogs | Cynophobia |
10 | Fear of insects | Entomophobia |
11 | Fear of blushing | Ereuthophobia |
12 | Fear of marriage | Gamophobia |
13 | Fear of crossing a bridge | Gephyrophobia |
14 | Fear of seeing a person naked | Gymnophobia |
15 | Fear of women | Gynaphobia |
16 | Fear of pleasure | Hedonophobia |
17 | Fear of water | Hydrophobia |
18 | Fear of responsibility | Hypengyophobia |
19 | Fear of sleep | Hypnophobia |
20 | Fear of fish | Ichthyophobia |
21 | Fear of dirt | Mysophobia |
22 | Fear of returning home | Nostophobia |
23 | Fear of night or darkness | Nyctophobia |
24 | Fear of snakes | Ophidiophobia |
25 | Fear of disease | Pathophobia |
26 | Fear of children or dolls | Pediophobia |
27 | Fear of phobias | Phobophobia |
28 | Fear of the cold | Psychrophobia |
29 | Fear of being stared at | Scopophobia |
30 | Fear of mirrors | Spectrophobia |
31 | Fear of childbirth | Tocophobia |
32 | Fear of god | Theophobia |
33 | Fear of the number thirteen | Triskaidekaphobia |
34 | Fear of animals | Zoophobia |
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